Results for 'Ronald Walter Greene'

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  1.  90
    Rhetoric and capitalism: Rhetorical agency as communicative labor.Ronald Walter Greene - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (3):188-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoric and Capitalism:Rhetorical Agency as Communicative LaborRonald Walter GreeneIt is a commonplace to describe rhetorical agency as political action. From such a starting point, rhetorical agency describes a communicative process of inquiry and advocacy on issues of public importance. As political action, rhetorical agency often takes on the characteristics of a normative theory of citizenship; a good citizen persuades and is persuaded by the gentle force of the (...)
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    Orator communist.Ronald Walter Greene - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):85-95.
  3. “The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra”: A Reply to Ron Greene.Dana L. Cloud, Steve Macek & James Arnt Aune - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (1):72-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.1 (2006) 72-84 [Access article in PDF] "The Limbo of Ethical Simulacra": A Reply to Ron Greene Dana L. Cloud Department of Communication Studies University of Texas, Austin Steve Macek Department of Speech Communication North Central College James Arnt Aune Department of Communication Texas A&M University In two recent articles, "Another Materialist Rhetoric," and "Rhetoric and Capitalism" (1998, 2004), Ronald Walter Greene (...)
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    Illinois Project for Democratic Accountability.Sarah M. Stitzlein, Walter Feinberg, Jennifer Greene & Luis Miron - 2007 - Educational Studies 42 (2):139-155.
    Education is experiencing a case of misplaced accountability, where an exclusive reliance on high stakes tests overlooks the more subtle judgments of teachers and professional educators and, because of its simplicity, passes as democratic. This article investigates the theoretical underpinnings of current accountability initiatives and draws upon extensive teacher interviews to reveal the practical aspects of accountability pressures in schools today. We provide a discussion of local teacher knowledge that exposes teachers' commitments to a deeper sense of successful education that (...)
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    Reason and nature in the eighteenth century.Ronald Walter Harris - 1969 - [New York]: Barnes & Noble.
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    Reason and nature in the eighteenth century, 1714-1780.Ronald Walter Harris - 1968 - London,: Blandford P..
    “What do historians mean by “the Enlightenment”, and is the term applicable to eighteenth-century England? It is the theme of this book that the great intellectual tradition associated with the Renaissance disintegrated in the eighteenth century under the impact of the scientific revolution and the thought of John Locke. In its place there grew up a new emphasis upon individualism, a new awareness of the class structure, and, especially in the novel, a new interest in the claims of the lower (...)
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  7. Rhetorical Circulation in Late Capitalism: Neoliberalism and the Overdetermination of Affective Energy.Catherine Chaput - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (1):1-25.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetorical Circulation in Late CapitalismNeoliberalism and the Overdetermination of Affective EnergyCatherine ChaputIn the world we have known since the nineteenth century, a series of governmental rationalities overlap, lean on each other, challenge each other, and struggle with each other: art of government according to truth, art of government according to the rationality of the sovereign state, and art of government according to the rationality of economic agents, and more (...)
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    Religion and Moral Reason: A New Method for Comparative Study.Ronald M. Green - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Using the theoretical approach he introduced in his acclaimed Religious Reason, and drawing on contemporary rationalist ethical theory as well as a variety of religious traditions and issues, Ronald M. Green here provides a simple, effective model for understanding the complexity of religious life. He shows clearly and convincingly that the basic processes of religious reasoning are the same everywhere and that they give rise, in perfectly understandable ways, to the rich diversity of religious expression worldwide. This is a (...)
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  9. Brought to you by| Google Googlebot-Web Crawler SEO.Ronald G. Barr, Brian Hopkins & James A. Green - 2003 - Semiotica 143 (1/4):211-215.
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    Response to Karen Lebacqz and Stephen Palmquist.Ronald M. Green - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (4):752-759.
    I respond here to the essays by Karen Lebacqz and Stephen Palmquist, beginning with my debt of gratitude to Lebacqz for her understanding of the methodological depth I try to bring to the analysis of bioethical issues. I further illustrate that observation here by reviewing the logic of my approach to the issue of wrongful life. At the same time, in connection with human genetic enhancement, I acknowledge that I may have not properly appreciated the seriousness of the problem of (...)
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  11.  92
    Fallen Freedom: Kant on Radical Evil and Moral Regeneration.Ronald M. Green - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this study Professor Michalson attempts to clarify the complex tangle of issues connected with Kant's doctrines of radical evil and moral regeneration, and to set the problems resulting from these doctrines in an interpretive framework that tries to make sense of the instability of his overall position. In his late work Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, Kant charts out these doctrines in a manner that represents a fresh development in his own thinking on moral and relgious matters, (...)
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    Where’s the Rhetoric? Imagining a Unified Field.Joshua Hanan - 2024 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 57 (2):218-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Where's the Rhetoric? Imagining a Unified Field by S. Scott GrahamJoshua HananWhere's the Rhetoric? Imagining a Unified Field. By S. Scott Graham. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2020. 194 pp. Paperback $29.95. ISBN: 978-0-8142-5771-5.The proliferation of materialist perspectives in rhetorical studies has generated feelings of disciplinary crisis and fragmentation. Early materialist formulations of rhetoric, such as those put forward by Michael Calvin McGee and Raymie McKerrow, conceptualized materiality (...)
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  13.  41
    Toward a full theory of moral status.Ronald Green - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (6):44 – 46.
  14. U.s. Defunding of UNFPa: A moral analysis.Ronald Michael Green - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (4):393-406.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13.4 (2003) 393-406 [Access article in PDF] U.S. Defunding of UNFPA:A Moral Analysis Ronald M. Green Ethical decisions made inside the Beltway sometimes have global consequences. Nowhere is this more true than with respect to the decision by Secretary of State Colin Powell on 21 July 2002 to halt $34 million in U.S. funding for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Behind this (...)
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  15. When is “Everyone's Doing It A Moral Justification?Ronald M. Green - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (1):75-93.
    The claim that " Everyone's doing it" is frequently offered as a reason for engaging in behavior that is widespread but less-than-ideal. This is particularly true in business, where competitors' conduct often forces hard choices on managers. When is the claim " Everyone's doing it" a morally valid reason for following others' lead? This discussion proposes and develops five prima facie conditions to identify when the existence of prevalent but otherwise undesirable behavior provides a moral justification for our engaging in (...)
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  16. What does it mean to use someone as "a means only": Rereading Kant.Ronald Michael Green - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (3):247-261.
    : Debates about commodification in bioethics frequently appeal to Kant's famous second formulation of the categorical imperative, the formula requiring us to treat the rational (human) being as "an end in itself" and "never as a means only." In the course of her own treatment of commodification, Margaret Jane Radin observes that Kant's application of this formula "does not generate noncontroversial particular consequences." This is so, I argue, because Kant offers three different--and largely incompatible--interpretations of the formula. One focuses on (...)
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  17. Enough is Enough! "Fear and Trembling" is Not about Ethics.Ronald M. Green - 1993 - Journal of Religious Ethics 21 (2):191-209.
    In the literature of philosophy and religious ethics, Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling has, with few exceptions, been read as a work focused on ethical questions concerning the norms governing human conduct. However, ethical readings of this book not only miss important features of the text, they render its argument internally incoherent. These problems disappear when Fear and Trembling is understood primarily as a discussion of Christian soteriology that symbolically uses the Abraham story to develop the classical Pauline -Lutheran doctrine of (...)
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  18.  74
    Religion and moral reason: a new method for comparative study.Ronald Michael Green - 1988 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Using the theoretical approach he introduced in his acclaimed Religious Reason (Oxford, 1978), and drawing on contemporary rationalist ethical theory as well as a variety of religious traditions and issues, Ronald M. Green here provides a simple, effective model for understanding the complexity of religious life. He shows clearly and convincingly that the basic processes of religious reasoning are the same everywhere and that they give rise, in perfectly understandable ways, to the rich diversity of religious expression worldwide. This (...)
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    (1 other version)Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism.Savannah Greer Downing - 2023 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 56 (3):395-402.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism ed. by Christopher N. Gamble and Joshua S. HananSavannah Greer DowningFigures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. Edited by Christopher N. Gamble and Joshua S. Hanan. Routledge, 2021. xvi + 122 pp. $168 (hardcover), $47.16 (electronic book). ISBN: 9780367903794.Rhetorical scholars have turned to various new materialist frameworks (...)
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  20. A Jewish response to the Consolidated Foods case.Ronald M. Green - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics (Jbe 10:827-32.
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  21. Population Growth and Justice: An Examination of Moral Issues Raised by Rapid Population Growth.Ronald M. Green - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (1):119-120.
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  22. Health and Disease in Religions.Ronald M. Green - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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  23.  77
    Guiding Principles of Jewish Business Ethics.Ronald M. Green - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):21-30.
    This discussion develops six of the most important guiding principles of classical Jewish business ethics and illustrates their application to a complex recent case of product liability. These principles are: (1) the legitimacy of business activity and profit; (2) the divine origin and ordination of wealth (and hence the limits and obligations of human ownership); (3) the preeminent position in decision making given to the protection and preservation (sanctity) of human life; (4) the protection of consumers from commercial harm; (5) (...)
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  24.  64
    Stem cell research: A target article collection part III - determining moral status.Ronald M. Green - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):20 – 30.
    In this chapter, I review some of the background thinking concerning matters of moral status that I had developed in previous years and that I would now bring to the work of the Human Embryo Research Panel. Two ideas were at the forefront of my thinking. First, that biology usually offers not decisive "events" but only continuous processes of development. Second, in making status determinations we do not so much "identify" a point on a developmental continuum where moral respect should (...)
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  25. Deciphering Fear and Trembling's Secret Message.Ronald M. Green - 1986 - Religious Studies 22 (1):95 - 111.
    It has long been recognized that Soren Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling is a cryptogram. Encoded within a series of reflections and commentaries on Genesis 22 is a deeper message directed at a reader or readers presumably capable of deciphering the hidden meaning. That this is true is suggested by the book's epigraph: ‘What Tarquinius Superbus said in the garden by means of the poppies, the son understood but the messenger did not.’.
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  26. From Arrowsmith to Atwood : how did we come to disrespect science?Ronald M. Green - 2013 - In Michael J. Hyde & James A. Herrick, After the genome: a language for our biotechnological future. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.
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    East Asian Buddhism.Ronald S. Green - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 110–125.
    The Daoist–Buddhist syncretism movement helped popularize Buddhism, which in turn enabled monks to exercise social influence. Such influence eventually contributed to the four major Buddhist persecutions in China and further shaped the development of Buddhist philosophy in East Asia. This chapter indicates the shift from Indian and Central Asian to Chinese founders, which is not only an ethnic change but a doctrinal one. The philosophies of these East Asian Mahāyāna schools and the Zhenyan tradition are described in the chapter. The (...)
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  28. When Is "Everyone'S. Doing It" A. Moral Justification?Ronald M. Green - 2003 - In William H. Shaw, Ethics at work: basic readings in business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Overseeing Research on Therapeutic Cloning: A Private Ethics Board Responds to Its Critics.Ronald M. Green, Kier Olsen DeVries, Judith Bernstein, Kenneth W. Goodman, Robert Kaufmann, Ann A. Kiessling, Susan R. Levin, Susan L. Moss & Carol A. Tauer - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (3):27-33.
    Advanced Cell Technology's Ethics Advisory Board has been called window dressing for a corporate marketing plan. But the scientists and managers have paid attention, and the lawyers have gone along.
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  30. Should We Retire Derek Parfit?Ronald M. Green - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (1):3-3.
    For nearly a generation, Derek Parfit's arguments in his 1984 book Reasons and Persons have shaped debates about our moral responsibilities to future people. Struggling to accommodate Parfit's insights, philosophers and bioethicists have minimized or accentuated obligations to the future in ways that defy ordinary moral intuitions. In this issue, Robert Sparrow develops the troubling implications of the views of two leading theorists whose work favoring human genetic enhancement is influenced by Parfit. Sparrow believes they return us to the horrors (...)
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    At the Vortex of Controversy: Developing Guidelines for Human Embryo Research.Ronald M. Green - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (4):345-356.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At the Vortex of Controversy:Developing Guidelines for Human Embryo ResearchRonald M. Green (bio)Because of the unavoidable time delay between the submission and publication of this article, its readers will have a significant advantage over its writer: You will know whether the recommendations of the Report of the Human Embryo Research Panel, on which I have served as a member since its inception in January of this year, are progressing (...)
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  32.  40
    The Human Embryo Research Panel: Lessons for Public Ethics.Ronald M. Green - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):502.
    On the morning of December 2, 1994, after a preceding afternoon of discussion, the Advisory Committee to the Director of the National Institutes of Health unanimously voted to approve the recommendations of the Report of the Human Embryo Research Panel. Panel members like myself who were present were elated. The vote marked the culmination of nearly a year of work. Approval of the report also represented a decisive step forward in bringing an end to a 15-year long moratorium on federally (...)
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  33.  78
    Global bioethics: issues of conscience for the twenty-first century.Ronald Michael Green, Aine Donovan & Steven A. Jauss (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Global Bioethics gathers some of the world's leading bioethicists to explore many of the new questions raised by the globalization of medical care and ...
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    Global Bioethics: Issues of Conscience for the Twenty-First Century.Ronald M. Green, Aine Donovan & Steven A. Jauss (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    The ethics of medical care and biomedical research are rapidly becoming global. This volume gathers some of the world's leading bioethicists to explore many of the new questions raised by the internationalization of medical care and biomedical research. Among the topics covered are the impact of globalization on the norms of medical ethics, the conduct of international research, the ethics of international collaborations, challenges to medical professionalism in the international setting, and the relation of religion to global bioethics.
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    A Reply to Gene Outka.Ronald M. Green - 1993 - Journal of Religious Ethics 21 (2):217 - 220.
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    The Korah Episode.Ronald M. Green - 1981 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 1:97-120.
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    The Priority of Understanding.Ronald M. Green - 1989 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 9:255-257.
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    Guiding Principles of Jewish Ethics.Ronald M. Green - 2001 - Spiritual Goods 2001:367-380.
    This discussion develops six of the most important guiding principles of classical Jewish business ethics and illustrates their application to a complex recent case of product liability. These principles are: (1) the legitimacy of business activity and profit; (2) the divine origin and ordination of wealth (and hence the limits and obligations of human ownership); (3) the preeminent position in decision making given to the protection and preservation (sanctity) of human life; (4) the protection of consumers from commercial harm; (5) (...)
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    Ethical Issues in the Development and Use of Embryonic Stem Cell−Derived Gametes.Ronald M. Green - 2012 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 3 (4):237-245.
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    Neural Technologies: The Ethics of Intimate Access to the Mind.Ronald M. Green - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):36-37.
    Science fiction is fast becoming reality as scientists and engineers seek to develop new ways of directly accessing and controlling our brains through brain-computer and even brain-to-brain interfaces. If such research is to receive continuing public approval and support—and not invite opposition—it must anticipate the special ethical challenges it creates. By pointing to some of the acute concerns raised by neural engineering technologies—around issues of identity, normality, authority, responsibility, privacy, and justice—Eran Klein and colleagues model and stimulate the kind of (...)
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    Bad "science".Ronald M. Green - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (1):21 – 22.
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    Heuristic Power as the Test of Theory: A Response to Francisca Cho.Ronald M. Green - 1998 - Journal of Religious Ethics 26 (1):175 - 184.
    The author begins by defending a view of comparative religious ethics as a "scientific" enterprise that seeks to develop generalizable knowledge of the variety of religious-ethical traditions and their relation to morality. Responding to Francisca Cho's use of the Daoist tradition to present a radical challenge to this possibility, the author suggests that she, too, unavoidably seeks to offer generalizable knowledge based on her reading of this tradition. After responding to Cho's major criticisms of his own interpretation of Daoism, the (...)
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    Legally Targeting Gun Makers.Ronald M. Green - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):203-210.
    As a “case” in business ethics, the conduct of the firearms industry is hardly dilemmatic. The responsible choices before firearmmanufacturers have long been clear, if largely neglected. The great interest here for business ethicists lies in understanding how civillaw and ethics can work together to bring a rogue industry under control. Business ethicists have a role to play in shaping the formationof legal standards in this area. In turn, emerging concepts of manufacturers’ liability can make a contribution to the teaching (...)
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  44.  22
    No title available: Religious studies.Ronald M. Green - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (4):563-565.
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  45. The Rawls Game.Ronald M. Green - 1986 - Teaching Philosophy 9 (1):51-60.
  46. Kierkegaard's concept of inherited sin : a cinematic illustration.Ronald M. Green - 2018 - In Eric Ziolkowski, Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University press.
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  47.  66
    Kierkegaard and Kant: The Hidden Debt.Ronald Michael Green - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Traces the search for evidence that Kierkegaard was familiar with the works of Kant, sparked by the observation that Kierkegaard's treatment of ethics and sin is organized exactly as Kant's treatment of the same topics, and even seems to ...
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  48.  8
    Religious reason: the rational and moral basis of religious belief.Ronald Michael Green - 1978 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The purpose of this book is to call the separation of reason and religion into question.
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  49.  89
    Benefiting from 'evil': An incipient moral problem in human stem cell research.Ronald M. Green - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (6):544–556.
    When does benefiting from others’ wrongdoing effectively make one a moral accomplice in their evil deeds? If stem cell research lives up to its therapeutic promise, this question (which has previously cropped up in debates over fetal tissue research or the use of Nazi research data) is likely to become a central one for opponents of embryo destruction. I argue that benefiting from wrongdoing is prima facie morally wrong under any of three conditions: (1) when the wrongdoer is one’s agent; (...)
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  50.  57
    Method in bioethics: A troubled assessment.Ronald M. Green - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (2):179-197.
    This discussion is a critical assessment of the methods employed by some leading writers in the field of bioethics. The author agrees with those in the field who regard its primary or essential method as moral philosophy, but he nevertheless finds a prevalent tendency among bioethical writers merely to apply received moral principles to issues and to avoid penetrating theoretical analysis, even when such analysis is unavoidably required. He explains these deficiencies in terms of the exigencies of interdisciplinary work and (...)
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